Equinox Hires New Natural Resource Specialists

The good news is that we have been very busy here at Equinox.  The bad news is that we have been so busy we have not had the opportunity to introduce you to the new staff we have hired to help us get our work done.  Please let us share a little bit about our newest staff members. Not so new, Drew Alderman joined us last fall and has quickly become an integral part of our team.  Drew received his undergraduate degree in Environmental Science from Queens University in Charlotte, NC with a minor in Physical Science.

drew outside 4At Equinox, Drew works as Natural Resource Specialist specializing in Exotic Invasive Species research, control, and monitoring.  Drew’s professional experience includes working for the Wyoming Game and Fish Department as an Aquatic Invasive Species Technician monitoring and identifying possible threats to Wyoming waterways. Drew was also selected as an intern for Charlotte Mecklenburg Utilities Environmental Services Division where he worked to conserve energy and improves processes at the local wastewater treatment facilities.
Drew’s academic and professional experience has equipped him with the ability to work on many different environmental issues and is knowledgeable in environmental protection. Drew is a native of North Carolina and in his free time he likes to hike, camp, mountain bike, and fly fish; anything to be outdoors.

KristaBrand new to us is Krista Leibensperger.  So new in fact, that she hasn’t even broken in her hip-waders. Krista received her undergraduate degree in Environmental Science from Juniata College in Huntingdon, Pennsylvania.  At Equinox, Krista works as a Natural Resource Specialist.  Krista completed two internships during her undergraduate career, one of which was working for the Trout Unlimited Abandoned Mine Program in Lock Haven, Pennsylvania. During these internships, she also worked with the Pennsylvania Fish and Boat Commission on their Unassessed Waters Initiative. Krista’s academic and professional experiences have equipped her with the knowledge and skills needed to work on a variety of environmental projects. Krista was born and raised in Pennsylvania and is very excited to be living and working in the beautiful city of Asheville. In her free time, she enjoys reading, walking her dog, hiking, camping, and fishing.

Equinox provides a full range of solutions for planning, design and ecosystem management services. Find out more >>