The Chattooga River– Wild and Scenic

Kayaking or rafting is a unique way to experience a river.  Recently I took a trip down the Wild and Scenic Chattooga River, which forms the Georgia/ South Carolina state

Learning to Ride

Recently I had an intensely nostalgic moment.  Do you remember your first time riding a bike without training wheels?  Back in my day, I remember sitting on my banana-seater with

Our External Response to Climate Change: Part III of III

Ahoy readers!  This blog entry marks the final installment of our 3-part series outlining Equinox’ External Response to Climate Change.  We’ve covered the Conservation Planning and Ecological Services groups, and

Our External Response to Climate Change: Part II of III

Welcome back readers!  We hope you enjoyed last week’s entry which detailed our Conservation Planning Group’s efforts to respond to climate change via proper planning, coordination of groups and their resources, and

Local Initiatives to Improve Food Security and Sustainability

In the Asheville area, we are blessed with 12 farmers markets that sell fresh, seasonal produce and over 250 independent restaurants that serve unique, delicious fare.  Yet within this “Foodtopia”

Message from Equinox’ President

In September 2011 I stepped in to serve as the President of Equinox Environmental.  It has been with great satisfaction that my business partners Andy Brown and Steve Melton have

Witch Hazel – The Winter Star

A mild winter has its perks – low heating bills and more outdoor excursions, just to name a couple.  But some of the plants in our front yard have become

Equinox’s Internal Response to Climate Change

Because of our mission, our concern for our environment, and general thriftiness, we at Equinox have always worked to minimize our consumption of resources such as electricity, fossil fuels, and

Equinox provides a full range of solutions for planning, design and ecosystem management services. Find out more >>