Strive-Not-To-Drive: A benefit for our environment and our health

Back in May of 2012, Equinox Environmental participated in a week long Strive-Not-To- Drive (SNTD) workplace challenge.  To our surprise, we won the challenge for a company size of 11-30 employees and received an award and recognition from City Council!  For a full week our staff dedicated themselves to taking the bus, walking, riding their bikes, or carpooling to work.  The goal of SNTD is to promote active and sustainable transportation in Asheville and Buncombe County.  This is a goal that was easy for Equinox to get behind as it blends nicely with our own goal of helping to protect and restore our environment and develop in a sustainable way.  In fact, this helped us achieve our own reduction of carbon emitting pollutants that are causing changes to our climate and also helped the people who work at Equinox get a little healthier.

Lindsay Majer & David Tuch receiving the Strive-Not-To-Drive Workplace Challenge award from Mayor Bellamy on behalf of Equinox.

We continue to hear about the health and wellness benefits of walking and biking.  The most recent National Centers for Disease Control and Prevention report in the August Vital Signs focused on the benefits of walking and put a national spotlight on the need and importance for safe and accessible walking environments.  With the pending completion of the Buncombe County Greenways & Trails Master Plan, it is even more important to advocate for the infrastructure that can help communities like ours become healthier and more sustainable by providing residents easy access to walking and biking facilities.

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