Equinox and our partners are restoring and protecting six streams and associated riparian corridors in Henderson County as a full-delivery mitigation project for the North Carolina Division of Mitigation Services. The restoration is occurring on approximately 11.8 acres of agricultural and forested land with historic land use primarily of agriculture and livestock grazing. The goal of the project is to restore ecological function to the existing streams, floodplains, and riparian corridors. Measures to promote habitat and the ecology of the stream corridor include returning the degraded streams to a stable condition, restoring floodplain connectivity, removing invasive plant species, and re-vegetating the riparian area with native plant species appropriate for the valley and watershed conditions. The outcome of the project will be the restoration of 5,200 feet of streams and close to an acre of wetlands. Photos are pre-construction and show degraded streams.
Ecological Monitoring | Ecological Restoration | Invasive Exotic Species Management | Stream and Wetland Mitigation