Equinox is working with the Town of Black Mountain to design a half-mile expansion of its existing Riverwalk Greenway Trail which provides connections of existing regionally significant greenways within the Town’s limits. The project has several challenges, including development within the floodway and crossing of an active railroad line and two highways. Equinox is working with Federal Highway Administration (FHWA) and NC Department of Transportation (NC DOT) guidelines as the project has received Surface Transportation Program-Directly Attributable (STP-DA) funding.
Equinox along with their team members developed concept structure plans, concept alignments, and a hydraulic study to evaluate potential impacts of the conceptual greenway alignment. Their work also included a categorical exclusion, coordination with appropriate entities for railroad and state road crossings of the greenway, structural design of those crossings, designation of the final greenway alignment, utility coordination, and landowner outreach. Future phases will include Design Development, Construction Documents and Construction Observation.
Greenway | Land Planning | Landscape Architecture | Open Space & Park Planning