Meet the Equinox Outdoor Recreation Team

Equinox has built a team of experts and in-house specialists with outdoor recreation planning, design, and implementation experience.  This cooperative that includes strategic and collaborative partners provides us with the ability to offer additional services, greater value, and enhanced capacity to benefit our clients.  We can pull any and all of these experts to help our clients meet their outdoor recreation needs.  Please meet the Equinox Outdoor Recreation Team, which can help with any aspect of your next outdoor recreation project.

Equinox Outdoor Recreation Team

David Tuch, Professional Landscape Architect

David began his career by working on planning projects applying the principles of the National Park Service’s Visitor Experience and Resource Protection (VERP) framework at two National Parks. Over the past 24 years he has been involved in well over 100 greenway, trail, and outdoor recreation master planning and design projects.  His project experience includes work on regional and local greenway and trail projects.  He has also worked nationally on numerous nature-based parks for various communities including several state park projects.


Megan Foy, Professional Landscape Architect

Megan is a landscape architect with LEED AP credentials which provides her insight in sustainable design applications.  She has served as the project manager for several park, greenway, and trail projects and often leads the public and stakeholder engagement process. Megan’s diverse experience includes sensitively integrating human use and recreation with design, planning, and management of natural resources in the landscape.  She provides appropriate management techniques for maintaining community trail systems and recreational infrastructure for large acreage park lands including wayfinding and placemaking.


Alex Smith, Recreation & Environmental Planner

Alex worked for the Virginia Outdoors Foundation to uphold the conservation values of Virginia’s most unique landscapes.  He has worked on county-wide recreation plans, bike parks, greenways, and state park projects.  Most recently he worked on the Virginia Creeper Trail Master Plan and a natural asset plan balancing conservation with recreation.  His areas of focus are GIS analysis, grant writing, stakeholder and public engagement, and working with conservation and recreation groups.


Jason Seickel, Professional Landscape Architect

Jason is a landscape architect who works on master planning projects and site design for parks, greenways, and outdoor recreation projects. Jason has the unique ability to look at both the details and the larger context of a project.  He has been recognized by the American Society of Landscape Architects for his research in connecting people back to nature and designing social outdoor recreation areas for equity and accessibility. Jason also focuses on detailed design and applying low impact and green infrastructure to outdoor recreation projects.


Jonathan Warner, Environmental Designer

Jonathan is an environmental designer with extensive experience in the public design process, and park, greenway, placemaking, and signage projects.  He brings attention to detail and quality design to Equinox’s projects from concept to construction documentation.  Jonathan is an avid trail runner and has worked on multiple park, greenway, and trail projects in Western North Carolina.  He has experience in both the public and private design sectors, and his worked in North Carolina, South Carolina, Tennessee, Kentucky, and New York lends him a unique perspective to outdoor recreation projects.


Owen Carson, Ecologist

Owen is an ecologist that provides critical services to Outdoor Recreation Projects.  He provides natural asset assessments and natural resource inventories to help ensure the unique assets of a property are integrated into a design.  This helps to protect and conserve the very aspects that make a property unique and ensures a design that is sensitive to the natural environment.  Owen has applied environmental science and ecology into the planning and design process for outdoor recreation projects over the past 11 years.


Matt Fusco, Former Cherokee National Forest North Zone Landscape Architect

Matt has developed and managed several prominent trail systems in the eastern U.S.  He has worked extensively within  the national forest system as well, providing trail planning, inventory and assessment for the U.S. Forest Service. He has completed a variety of projects aimed at improving the visitor experience, including campground design, facilities improvements, and wayfinding. While working with the Cherokee National Forest, Matt was involved with the planning and program direction management for nearly 600 miles of trails in the Forest.


Doug Bataille, Former Parks & Recreation Director

Doug served as the director of parks and recreation for several municipalities and has over 26 years of park and trail planning and design experience.  He partnered in creating Knoxville’s Urban Wilderness, a network of parks, open space, and trails on over 1,000 forested acres and 50-miles of multi-purpose trails in the urban heart of Knoxville.  Doug brings extensive knowledge in park design, park management and operations, team building, partnership and capacity building, and community and stakeholder engagement to the team.


Peter Barr, Trail Planner & Designer

Peter formerly served as Conserving Carolina’s Trails Director developing sustainable public recreation trail networks. He has led the creation of nearly 25 miles of new sustainable trails as well as the legislative authorization of the planned 130-mile Hickory Nut Gorge State Trail network.  Peter is a two time nationally award-winning trail designer and project manager, having received the Coalition of Recreational Trails Achievement Award for outstanding Construction and Design.  He is a regional expert in sustainable trail development with focus on balancing recreation and natural resource protection.


Don Owen, Former Appalachian Trail Conservancy & National Park Service Planner

Don has worked with the Partnership for the National Trails System, the National Park Service, the Land Trust Alliance, and the Virginia Creeper Trail Conservancy.  He spent 23 years working for the Appalachian Trail Conservancy (ATC) and the National Park Service on the Appalachian National Scenic Trail.  Don is currently Secretary of the Continental Divide Trail Coalition, as well as an advisor to the ATC Stewardship Council.  His area of specialty is diverse and includes planning, design, and trail management.  Don’s area of expertise also includes guidance in organizational development, operational efficiency, strategic planning, board development, and funding/fundraising.

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