Advancing Resilience Solutions

Harmony With Nature

At Equinox, we plan, design and build projects that mimic patterns found in nature, which optimizes climate resilience and enhances quality of life.  We embrace an environmental ethos that nature needs boundaries, buffers, and space for communities, businesses, and people to live in harmony within the greater ecosystem.

Balace Through Proper Planning

Our interdisciplinary team of ecologists, planners, designers, and landscape architects, integrates nature-based design solutions that maximize community benefits and enhance project efficiency. We work at the watershed, regional, community, and site-scale to balance natural habitat preservation and community development in the Southern Appalachian highlands.

Embracing Ecological Design

Resilience Services

At Equinox, we collaborate with our clients to identify projects that mitigate risk and help communities adapt to a changing climate given increased intensity of storm events and periods of drought.

Design – green infrastructure, ecological restoration, stormwater management, riparian corridors, constructed wetlands

Planning – watershed management, land conservation, open space & farmland preservation, land use, hazard mitigation, outdoor recreation

Implementation – disaster recovery and resilience grants, construction documents, administration, management

Partner with Equinox

Equinox supports communities to transform climate chllenges into solutions using cutting-edge data, science, and onsite assessments to realize successful outcomes.  Let’s work together to advance your community resilience goals!


Equinox’s mission is to work with clients to build community, protect and restore our region’s natural resources, plan for ecological sustainability, and design resilient and regenerative landscapes.

Equinox provides a full range of solutions for planning, design and ecosystem management services. Find out more >>