Meeting our Mission, one project at a time.

Equinox’ Top 10 Accomplishments

With the arrival of the Vernal (spring) Equinox it’s time for Equinox to take stock of how we are meeting our mission as a company.  In fact, every year since 2000 we take the time to measure the results of each project and how the project accomplishments meet our mission.  This not only allows us to “see how we are doing” but it allows every member of our team to understand their impact in contributing to a better environment.  And while it is no doubt a feel good kind of thing for us, it also let’s our clients know that we have been and will remain committed to “conservation, sustainability, and environmentally responsible land development projects”.  Through great collaborations and partnerships with our clients, who we would not be able to provide these services without, the following are Equinox’ Top 10 Accomplishments by the numbers.



Equinox provides a full range of solutions for planning, design and ecosystem management services. Find out more >>